There are some mentors who is better known in theory than in practice. Take, for example, scammed in scholarships, loans and financial aid for College. Student loans are a huge business in the United States. There are more than four hundred billion in student loans. This powerful Draws for the crooks. Fraud begins from the moment a student starts the process and really only ends (if you're lucky) when a penny of interest payable on the loan was taken ten, twenty or twenty-five years ago.
Parents of children in their junior year and senior secondary schools have a lot of attention from enterprises and individuals, the proclamation of the experts at finding money for College. All these people charge for their services, and almost all they want to be paid in advance. Others will offer assistance in completing the FAFSA application.
Don't do that. Chances are they will rip offs.
Let's start with the FAFSA (free application for federal student aid). Form for reporting for most forms of financial assistance. The first word is "free". THE FAFSA is part of the United States Department of education. There is no charge for completing the form, which has now filed electronically to FAFSA on the Web site ( You don't even need a stamp. The application can be completed in either English or French. Internet and telephone support in English and Spanish, 24 hours a day. All this for free. There is absolutely no reason to pay anyone anything with filling and submitting THE FAFSA form.
Letters and emails will arrive by dozens of proposals from individuals and companies all claiming that they can find scholarships and grants for your child. These proposals will argue that there are thousands of scholarships are available for your child to go unclaimed every year, because no one is applied to them. This is true. But you do not need to hire anyone to find these scholarships. There are free Web sites and college financial aid offices to help your child in identifying potential sources of financial aid for College, which do not require repayment.
The Fellowship Level fraud is so severe that Congress passed the College Scholarship fraud prevention. These scams are used to separate you more than your money. Often you will be asked to provide your social security number, so you can get immediate access to assistance. Never give out your social security number. Each completed application FAFSA comes with a PIN to access THE FAFSA and SAR online. Never give out your PIN to anyone.
One of the best free online sources for finding scholarships and grant is FastWeb ( FastWeb is absolutely free for use. They make their money from advertising, so be prepared to be asked if you want to know about the "special offers" every time you edit page. All you have to do is click "no thanks". WebFast will have detailed applicant to fill in the survey, which is information that can be used to obtain the applicant's right to receive grants. Upon completion of the survey, a list of scholarships and grants are provided to the applicant. There are no hidden costs, assuming that you all the right boxes to prevent letters and "offers" an avalanche of spam or junk mail. This site is a great place to start.
The Ministry of education also offers free scholarships searches at
Fraud continue even after graduation. This allows you to combine all student loans into one loan with interest rate represents the weighted average of rates for all overdue loans. Scammers will insist that they might do better to find you the lowest and best conditions. They want upfront money, your social security number, or both.
Like everything else in life, be careful to remember that if something sounds too good to be true it probably is too good to be true. Trust your instincts, but back up your instincts with common sense.